Re: Sol2.x Mouse EXPLOIT info (wsa Re: Solaris 2.4 bugs..)

Dave Williss (
Mon, 16 Jan 1995 09:05:04 -0600 (CST)

[ Original message was about a bug in Solaris 2.3 mouse driver that can
  allow a user to gain root access.  I'm cross-posting this to a "weird"
  mailing list cause I think you guys would get a chuckle out of it.
  Warning, any reply to this might go both mailing-lists. ]

In previous message, Scott D. Yelich said...

> >>>>> "Karl" == Karl Strickland <> writes:
> Karl> OK, Exploit details:

> Karl> 1) place pointer exactly in centre of screen
> Karl> 2) start to spiral out ANTICLOCKWISE - this movement must be
> Karl> smooth and finish in the top left corner
> Karl> 3) as soon as you reach the top left corner, unplug the mouse within
> Karl> 4 seconds.
> Karl> 4) You should then be at the # prompt.

> ... and aren't you like supposed to tap your heels together and mumble
> something about home as well?

No, you click your _mouse_ and say, "There's no place like /home. There's
no place like /home."  Though the location of /home may be different 
depending on how you set up your machine.  If you're using csh, you can
abbreviate it as ~.

David C. Williss    			    #include <standard.disclaimer>
Software Engineer -- MicroImages, Inc.
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